Distance vision test

This test, also known as the Visual Acuity Test, tests the sharpness of vision by grading the ability of the eye to discern diminishing sizes of alphabets, numbers or shapes at a specified distance of 6 metres. Instructions : The test chart can be found below. Measure the height of the biggest number (i.e. 5)…

Child vision test

Your child’s visual system continues to develop from birth till the age of about 6 years. During this critical period, even simple vision problems such as refractive errors, if left undetected and not corrected with glasses, can lead to development of a lazy eye and subsequent permanent loss of vision. Note : Early detection is key…

Test your vision at home

Why Do Home Vision Testing? The purpose of Home Vision Testing is to encourage early detection and treatment of eye disorders. These tests are not a substitute for a complete eye examination by your eye doctor. However, they may help you discover a vision problem that needs medical attention. Remember, most eye disorders can be…